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from $7.00
The CDR is where it all began for Expand-A-Pan. We bought a dozen of these traps several years ago for use in beaver and bobcat work, but noticed countless instances of tracks inside the huge jaw spread, but not on the small, 7.581 square inch pan. Our bolt on Expand-A-Pan fills the inside jaw spread and pushes the kill area of the pan to 29.710 square inches, a staggering 392% of the original, stock pan. Our “inside the jaw spread” misses were all but eliminated after we installed the new Expand-A-Pans. The CDR properly modified with an Expand-A-Pan is bad news for bobcats and any critter that steps inside this huge trap. Expand-A-Pan……Go Big Or Go Home!
(Click photos to enlarge)
Model # CDR7.5
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